Thursday, April 16, 2015

Atwater, CA and Changing Plans AGAIN!

Last night we had a great time visiting with Bill and Theresa at their house.  I can't believe I forgot to get pictures - AAARRRRGGGGHHHH - not one of Bill and me!

We had a great meal - Indian cuisine from their local favorite place.   The only thing I missed was seeing Megan - she had a late class and hadn't got home by the time we left.   We only had about 15 miles to go back to the RV park, but I don't do well driving in the dark, and we wanted to get back.  I'm really sorry I missed her.  She's graduating from UC Merced in May, and then is heading to Cal Tech for her Phd in Chemistry.  One Smart Chica!

Today we rode about 180 miles to Bakersfield and are at the same RV park we stayed on the way out. Tomorrow we head to Stovepipe Wells in Death Valley.  That is one of our favorite places.  It should be a beautiful ride over there - going over the Panamint Mountains.

Then we'll go to Pahrump for a night - we're going to stay by the winery - there's a nice RV park there.

The change in plans are that Tim Schnabel from Hart Ranch called and they're short of people in the Maintenance department so he wants Mike up there ASAP!  Sooooo, we're heading back to Vegas via Death Valley and Pahrump.  Then, we'll get loaded and head out on Wednesday the 22nd.  That'll put us at Hart Ranch the 27th or so, WEATHER permitting!

SEE! Everything happens for a reason - THAT"S WHY we cut our coastal trip short, only we didn't know it at the time.   ;-)

Love, Mike and Sue

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