Monday, September 16, 2024

Last Month at Hart Ranch 2024

 It's been a busy last few weeks!  I've been trying to fit everything in, get packed, finish working, and get ready to go!

I moved out of the little camper on Friday and into a Colt2 cabin.  I packed 4 bins of stuff to leave in Susan's garage over the winter to use in my new 5th wheel next summer. (I'm very excited about it!!!)

I'm heading out Wednesday to Minneapolis for our cousin's reunion, and then will wander around (UP of Michigan, Springfield MA to see Celeste, Annapolis, and Marion VA to see Carolyn Case before I get back to Georgia!)


Here's what's been going on:

Kevin and Marita took me to supper at the Alpine Inn.  GREAT DESSERTS!!

It was spoon sucking good!!

Sally and Lyle got moved into their new house.  This is the hat tree in the living room with Lyle's hat, rope and spurs.  It's very cool!  Dottie and Roger and I are going over on Tuesday the 17th for supper before I head out on the 18th.

Char came and surprised me.  She had flown in to spend a couple of days with Dave Stewart, and to see Mount Rushmore.  What a nice surprise!!!

Anne and I went to the Ranch Rodeo

Susan and I tried the new Mexican restaurant on 5th Street.  Yummy margaritas!!!

Sally and I had a girls day through the Hills, drove Needles Highway and then had lunch in Custer.  Nice day.  We also took 385 (through the construction and all) for a drive through Spearfish Canyon. We had lunch at Cheyenne Crossing for that trip!

Anita and James took me to brunch at their favorite place in Custer (I didn't get any pictures though 😏), but it sure was enjoyable!!

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