Today we drove just north of Newberry to explore the Dudley Farmhouse State Park. All of the buildings and furnishings are original; just restored. It was a cool, windy day, so walking around the old homestead was enjoyable.
Mike said it reminded him of his Uncle Lovick's farm in Buford, where Mike earned his first $20. Mike said that Lovick's farm was very much like this (including the stove, outhouse, well, and mule driven hay baler) up until the mid 50's.
Built in the 1880's, the Dudleys had 8 girls and 4 boys. Four rooms around a central hall, girls bedroom upstairs.
The kitchen was a separate building due to the fire hazard. Mike's Aunt Idele cooked on a stove like this.
Laundry room (ha!), and dairy shed. Aunt Idele and Mike's Mom did laundry like this (until Mike and his brothers were pre-teens!)
Family outhouse. That's a syrup cane field in the background.
The cane was crushed by using a mule, and the juice was processed in the vats on the right. The vats were also used for lard processing and lye soap-making.
The Tom turkey was all puffed up. They kept turkeys like these on the farm, as well as chickens.
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