Wednesday, March 20, 2019

On our Way to SD!

We've moved out of the Voltage and into the Flair. We moved into the Twin Lakes RV park in Cumming on the 14th so that we could make the move easier and get the Voltage ready for Angie and Scott to move in.  They are going to live there until they find a travel trailer to live in ... they are going full time too!

We left on the 16th, and now are on our way.  We headed to Biloxi first so that we could get some good seafood, and avoid all of the flooding in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa, which is right along the route that we normally take.

We arrived at Hart Ranch on Sunday the 24th, and I start work on the 31st.  We went through North Platte and got to have supper with Karen Sue and Floyd and Lynda and Bob. It was nice to see them and be able to spend some time.

We LOVE the new motorhome and the Jeep hookup.  It's very easy to hook/unhook the Jeep, and when we arrive at an RV park we have it leveled and the slides out in no time.  Much easier than the 5th wheel.

The Jeep in tow-mode hooked up to the motorhome

Watching NASCAR on Sunday.  It was a little cool, so we went in right after this

Our housewarming gift from Pam, Neil, and Jake

The Indian Point RV park close to Biloxi is right on a bayou
Our spot just north of Dallas.  Nice RV Park, and sunny and warm!

We went through Dodge City, but didn't see Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty

Driving north through Nebraska. It's getting colder!
Site 417 at Hart Ranch!

Trying to capture the snow out the windshield. It just looks like rain.

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