Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sturgis 76th Motorcycle Rally

On Tuesday, 8/9, we were fortunate enough to participate in the Dakota Thunder ride.  We didn't do it last year because due to the elevated terror threat, it is now only open to Ellsworth base members and veterans.  Our friend from Hart Ranch asked us to go with him and some of his friends this year.  We are so honored to have been able to participate.

The ride, as usual, was great.  We weren't allowed to take pictures on base, but the start of the ride did "take off" from the flight line at the base.   We've only done that one other time on this ride, and it was quite a treat!  This year they put the trikes in front, so that was a different perspective on the ride.

Here are some pictures from Sturgis.  We had a great time!

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