Friday, April 6, 2012

April 2012

4/12/12:   This week we start work. Mike started on Tuesday, and I'm starting today.  It's fun to be back, seeing all of our old friends.

Driving around the Hills the last few days, the lack of rain and snow over the winter is very apparent.  The grass is brown and dry - it looks like the end of summer.   We're supposed to get rain for the next few days - I sure hope we do.   With all of the pine beetle damage there is a huge fire danger around here.  If there is a fire this summer, it could end up like the Yellowstone fire 25 years ago. Pray for rain!

Well - that's all for now, I have to get ready for work.

HAPPY EASTER!  Today we went to the Easter sunrise service at Mt Rushmore. When we got there at 6:30 am it was 29 degrees.  With the wind, it is REALLY COLD! (We don't like cold)   It's a beautiful service though.   We saw a mountain goat climbing on the rocks up by the monument.  I would have a picture except that my camera batteries were dead.  Rats. :-(

We're going to the Gaslight Saloon for Easter brunch.  We were there last year with Annette and Mike Yarusso. I can't believe it's a year already.  More later.

4/6/12:   Today we arrived at Hart Ranch. It was like coming home.  We left Las Vegas on April 3rd.  Luckily we had tail winds most of the way.  Yesterday on the way to Casper, Wyoming we stopped at Independence Rock.  It's a spot on the Oregon Trail where the pioneers used to camp by the Sweetwater River.  There were many carvings on the rock from the 1840's and 1850's.

We got in around noon, and got settled in.  This picture of Mike on the red neck patio is after we unloaded the motorcycles and before we got the man cave set up.  Shortly after this a  storm rolled in with hail, lightening and thunder.  I didn't even have a chance to set up my hail protection system on the Spyder!.

Mike relaxing on the red neck patio at Hart Ranch

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