Tuesday, October 31, 2023


I needed to get away, and Kim and Richard rented a cabin in Shenandoah NP for a few days, so they invited me up. It's just what I needed! We've been hiking and playing silly games, it's been great. Tomorrow I head to Marion, VA to see Carolyn Case. 

The cabin was built in 1910. It's cold and drafty, but a cute place.
A little bit of excitement Tuesday night...a mouse joined us😳
Luckily we had duck tape, and Kim was able to tape up the hole behind the fridge!
I had a great visit with Carolyn in Marion, VA.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Six Months

I can't believe you left us six months ago, it feels like yesterday 💔 
I went to Gibbs Gardens to see the wildflowers and the Monarch butterflies.  It's an official Monarch migration  waystation.  It was very peaceful and a beautiful day for it.
I sure do miss you.

PS.  I met Katie, Mike,  Taylor and Livie in Helen for supper at the Cafe International,  your favorite place. It turned out to be an ok day celebrating you. 💕

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Ring

I had an idea this summer about what to do with Mike's wedding ring. I didn't want to wear it on a chain.

When I was at Kim's she gave me the opal ring that I wore in high school. (I had actually forgotten about it). Opal is Mike's birthstone. 

So, I took Mike's band, the opal, and the diamonds from the ring he gave me when we lived in Vegas, and had a ring made.  I picked it up today, and I love it.  It's perfect because Mike's 6 month anniversary is this Sunday.  Next week, I'll take it to get it inscribed "It's all about the ride".