Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer 2017

We've had a great summer, and can't believe it's almost Labor Day weekend!!   We've had a few camping trips, and lots of rides.   It's been nice to get back out there after being laid up April/May/June with my foot.

Sally and I had a girls day, and visited Bear Country.  The baby bears are so cute!!  They were all lined up on a log.

Last week we camped in Spearfish and took a ride through Spearfish canyon.  We hiked to Spearfish Falls and had a picnic.   We also went to the Sanford Lab visitor center in Lead and saw the new LUX display.  They had just brought it up from 4300 feet below the surface.  Very interesting.

We also went to the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming for a camping trip, and stayed local at the Palmer Gulch KOA right by Mt. Rushmore for another trip.  We love our camping trips!

Our campsite from our Bighorn camping trip in July

Riding in the Bighorn Mountains

Our Campsite in the Bighorns - great spot!
The baby bears at Bear Country - so Cute!