Monday, October 24, 2016

Arriving in Georgia

We left Hart Ranch on October 15th.  Luckily we built some slop time into the trip.  We had a brake problem between Mitchell and Nebraska City.  We stayed in Nebraska City two nights so that Mike could work on the brakes.

He was able to diagnose and fix the problem relatively easily (I'm so grateful for him!!).  It would have been horrible and expensive to have had to take the rig in to get it fixed.  A wire on one of the wheels was rubbing directly on the drum and causing a short.

We planned on getting to Neil and Pam's on a Saturday morning so that Neil could help Mike back the rig down their driveway and get parked.  They built us an RV pad complete with sewer hookup.  We are so thankful for them, and I'm so glad that Neil was there to help Mike park it.  Neil said the driveway is 750' long, and there just wasn't room in the yard for Mike to get it turned around to back it in to the site - so he had to back all the way from the road.   I had been worrying about it for weeks, but it went very smoothly.

Mike has been working since Saturday to get the electrical hooked up.  He's putting in 30 and 50 amp service so that Neil and Pam can park theirs here in the summer when we're gone.  They've built a nice fire pit, and I'm planning on putting in a patio.  It'll be really nice when we're all done - heck, it's really nice now!!!

Here he comes.  He has to go between the power pole and the porch.

Here he is in the yard, getting past the house

Straightening out to line it up with the pad

All leveled and parked.  The fire pit is in the background.  Next step - building a patio!!