Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Work Camper Site at Hart Ranch

We're all settled in to our work camper site here at Hart Ranch.  We moved a week ago, and it's a nice shady spot, with the big windows facing south east, so when it hails (which usually comes from the north west), we hope we won't have any broken windows!

All of the trees will help keep us cool in the afternoons.

There was a minor mishap when we were backing in. I was afraid that the trees would scrape and scratch the windows, so Mike pulled way right, and he couldn't see the right side of the rig, and he knocked into a light post!  It made an awful sound.  When we got it all parked, we inspected the damage. 

The front door frame was bent (luckily we have two doors) and he had to use a sledge hammer to get it to work.  The awning was scraped, and he used awning tape to fix that.  He also fixed the light post, so we didn't have to report it to insurance, thank goodness!!   As a friend said, Mike scraped the "new" right off of it!  Now we don't have to worry about any hail damage.

Here's a picture of our site. Notice that as of May 15th, the trees aren't fully leafed out yet! 

We're on our "4 10's" work schedule. We work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off.  That will allow us to take motorcycle trips to see the surrounding area, like we did last year.

Once I finish with all of my follow up doctor appointments (which now are scheduled into mid-June), we'll be home free!

More later..............